Saturday, June 30, 2018

Dadabex Day 2 @Copley Square + Public Telephone Dada Action

Dadabex Day 2 - Copley Square, Boston, MA, USA
Friday June 29, 2018 - Original Concept and performance by
Edward Monovich, Nathan Andary, Chloe Minnehan, Thomas Mackie
photos: Milan Kohout; video stills: JW

Public Telephone Dada Action by Mari Novotny-Jones
performers: Mari Novotny-Jones, Zayde Buti, Jane Wang
photos: Milan Kohout

Go to a street that has many buildings surrounding it. Find a space between the buildings or an alley in which you can squeeze into but enough room to turn around and move your arms. Above your place, attach the following sign:


Call someone on your cell phone. Have a conversation. Speak as loudly as possible, even shouting. Hang up. Repeat as many times as it takes. Leave when someone else needs to use the booth.