Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 1 of Public Dada Actions by Mobius Artists

Dada Action created and performed by Milan Kohout
Prop: hand mirror
”Hold a mirror in front of your face and try to convince yourself that capitalism is a good economic system”

Dada Action submitted by Andrew Oleksiuk 

performed by Jane Wang and then Jimena Bermejo
Please shout:
ofii4 r rkks skf
bjfoik djs00
ejrt3 kf9fdf njfe 0vf8ejr
poirifj fj pij

Score created during Scoremaking Workshop
Performed by Jane Wang
- Look up/on the stairs
- Celebrate your pairs
- At the top of the stairs
- look down ... and jump.

Score created during Scoremaking Workshop
performed by Jimena Bermejo and Milan Kohout

"Taking the dog for a walk..."
Props: a leash, keys, "dog", watch/phone - can all be mimed
1. Pick up the leash, place the keys into your right pocket
2. Place your watch on your left or right wrist
3. Find your dog
4. Give the dog the signal for sit and stay
5. Put the leash around the dog's neck - attach the leash to the dog's collar
6. Give the signal to stand
7. Open the door
8. Lead the dog out of the door
The End

Impromptu dada actions performed at Copley Square:

Jimena's Play Dead for 1 Minute Dada Action
(performed by Jimena)

Milan's Seeking Dada Action (performed by Milan)

Milan's Seeking Dada Action (performed by Milan)